I forgot to post the final Evening with the Fine Arts posters that went up. I have quite a few comments about it... mostly to the effect of "...I liked the first one better." But you can't please everyone. So here's the one that they wanted. I asked if it was too plain, or too boring but they said no. So yeah. Overall, it was a good turn out for the performance. Several of the musical pieces went a bit long but I enjoyed it. Although I was repeatedly told that I should make the poster look fancier because certain faculty members would be wearing tuxedos and formal wear. Well, all I'm going to say is that no, they did not wear formal wear, but instead aloha shirts. I was also a little bit disappointed that in the faculty art show. It was nice, but I would have liked to have seen more pieces that weren't class work from Brother Alisa.
We're starting up an art club for next semester. We're hoping to have a final event at the end of winter semester that would be similar, possibly join with the Music club and have some performers and an art show.
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